10. Device Attachment
This section describes the connections to the unit for power, serial data, and antenna / booster.
10.1. Antenna Connection
The DART 300 modem uses standard mobile cellular radio signals. Any standard 800 MHz cellular antenna of good quality with a male TNC connector and 50 Ohms impedance should serve well. A suitable antenna is available from Sierra Wireless (part number 6000065).
The combination of cable loss and antenna gain must yield an overall system gain not exceeding 0 dB. The transmitter output of 0.6 Watt is delivered at the connector. This is the FCC regulated limit of a Class III device.
Antenna performance is subject to the following guidelines:
Location – Locate the antenna as far away from personnel as possible to minimize signal blocking. For optimum reception in indoor fixed location applications, position the antenna above the height of personnel and nearby equipment or structures. If used indoors, locate the antenna as close to a window as possible. In mobile applications, locate the antenna outside and away from or above any portion of the vehicle body that can block the RF signals.
Cabling – Select a low loss, high quality, 50 Ohm, coaxial cable with the appropriate connectors. The cable can be any length, but lengths greater than 4 meters (13.1 feet) increase cable loss and offset the antenna’s nominal gain. If longer length cables are required, use a heavier wire gauge to reduce the dB loss/m and to minimize the effect of the cable loss on antenna gain. See the caution above regarding FCC requirements for cable loss.
For outdoor fixed installations ground the antenna cable using an antenna discharge unit to prevent damage to the modem and the attached equipment.
Ground Plane – For installations where a good antenna ground plane (metal surface) is not available, use a
Proximity to Other Antennas – In general, do not locate the DART 300 modem antenna closer than 1.5 meters (5 feet) to another antenna. In certain cases even more separation is required. In many vehicular applications, there are
In this situation, separate the antennas as far as possible and then do a test with the voice system also being used. If the DART 300 works satisfactorily you do not have an interference problem. If it does not work properly, then use filtering on the
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