In accord with this pattern, after every further three hours additional dictations are automatically initiated (e.g. »DICT008B«, »DICT008C« etc.). For each of these an acoustic signal sounds.
5When you wish to interrupt the dictation recording: Place the STOP«. In the display Q »Record Pause« is indicated, the hith- erto period of the dictation recording remains shown. For as long as the dicta- tion recording is interrupted, the status lamp »DICT
« blinks.
To continue the dictation recording: Place the START«.
6When you wish to terminate the dictation recording: Press the button
» DICT« G once. The status lamp »DICT
« D goes out. In the display Q is indicated:
Free 16:38h
play-back end

Now you can…
Úplay back the saved dictation recording. This is explained in the following chapter 7.4 »Playback of recorded dictation«.
Úwork on the saved dictation recording. This is explained in the following chap- ter 7.6 »Handling recorded dictations«.
Údelete the dictation recording, either completely or partially. This is explained in the following chapter 7.7 »Deleting recorded dictations«.
7.4 Playback of recorded dictation
To play back saved dictations:
1Switch the voice recorder on by pressing the button »ON/OFF« A. As soon as the start screen is shown in the display Q:
2Place the STOP«.