How to update the BIOS: the BTOOL Program
The BTOOL program is a utility used to program the BIOS (that is stored in the Flash EPROM) in the following cases:
¾BIOS upgrade;
¾Installation of a MiniDOS compatible program into the Flash (Integrated SSD);
¾Installation of a BIOS Extension into the Flash.
BTOOL program must be run under
Power supply must be assured during all the program execution.
Please run AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS without any parameters!
Please don’t run any memory manager. If HIMEM.SYS or EMM386 are running, the BTOOL program doesn’t work!
It will be useful if the BTOOL program is stored in a Floppy Disk (for example in the bootable disk)
The program must be run using the BTOOL (or BTOOL.EXE) command line at the DOS prompt. The on line help, with the available options will be displayed, as follow: