IDE Led |
Figure 16. J9 and JP10 Connectors layout
To install the hard disk, perform the following operations:
¾Hardware installation. Connect the hard disk to the module using a data cable, and then connect the hard disk to the power supply respecting the device’s specifications. Make sure that pin 1 of connector J9 and pin 1 of the drive or drives are correctly connected. Pin 1 of the interface cable is usually indicated by a stripe along the edge of the cable. If two hard disks need to be connected, they must be configured for common operation (i.e. master/slave or cable select connection).
¾IDE BIOS Setup. The hard disk parameters can be configured using the Setup program. If the hard disk is connected to the module without setup configuration or with a wrong setup configuration, a time-out for a few minutes occurs, then the boot is performed from the floppy disk.
¾Software initialization for specific operating systems. Refer to the OS documentation.
JP10 IDE LED Connector
The IDE HDD activity LED output is implemented on connector JP10.
This is a
To this connector is possible to connect a led that display the IDE activity.
Check the pin out and pin functions on the following table:
Table 14. JP10 IDE LED Connector
Pin SignalFunction
| 1 |
| Ground |
| IDE LED anode |
| |||
2IDELED (+) IDE LED cathode (+)