Note. USB devices shouldn’t be directly connected to the J4 connector. Parvus USB/Audio
CODEC Adapter can be used. In fact it provides for two USB standard connectors (but only
USB1 is useful for this CPU) and furthermore it provides for a better ESD (Electric Static
Discharge) and Over Current protection. Before using a different adapter please refer to
the Parvus Customer Support Service
J8 for AC97 Audio port Section
J8 is a double row 9 x 2 pin with 2.00-mm step connector.
AC97 Audio
Figure 14. J8 Connector layout
The SpacePC 1232 module provides one AC97 (Specification Revision 1.3, 2.0, and 2.1) audio
interface adding audio capabilities to the PC/104 system. The Parvus Audio CODEC Adapter (but
also any AC97 CODEC which supports an independent input and output sample rate conversion
interface can be used) provides an AC97 and a CODEC for the SpacePC 1232 and should be
connected between the audio device and the J8 connector via a flat ribbon cable.
Table 12. J8 pinout connectors
Pin Signal Function
1 5V Power supply
2 5V Power supply
This output transmit audio serial data to the codec
4 GPIO0 General Purpose I/O
5 GND Ground Signal
6 GPIO1 General Purpose I/O
7 PC_BEEP Legacy PC/AT speaker output
8 GND Ground Signal
10 BIT_CLK Audio Bit Clock
The serial bit clock from the codec
11 GND Ground Signal
12 GND Ground Signal
13 GND Ground Signal
14 SYNC Serial Bus Synchronization
This bit is asserted to synchronize the transfer of data between the
module and the AC97 codec