Local and redirected peripherals
In “Virtual Peripherals” mode, two types of peripherals are used:
¾The peripheral directly connected to the module (keyboard, video interface, SSD and floppy) named “local peripherals”
¾The Host computer’s peripherals used for the remote control of the module (keyboard, video interface and Floppy) named “remote or redirected peripheral”.
You can select which remote peripherals are redirected in your VP connection: all the Host computer’s peripherals or only some of them.
“Virtual Peripherals” connection
To perform the “Virtual Peripheral” connection, you need the following items:
¾The CPU module with power supply and one free serial/parallel port;
¾The Utility Disk
¾A PC or AT compatible computer (the Host computer) with a serial port working at 115Kbaud, or a parallel
¾A VP cable (parallel or serial cable). Parvus doesn’t supply any VP cable. You must make it according to the tables on the following pages. If you are using a serial cable, you must make a VP adjustment (as described in the following figure) in it. A short circuit must be provided between the RTS and CTS (or DTR and RI) signals on the end facing the Multifunction cable;
The Virtual Peripherals connection can be performed as follows:
¾Connect the Host computer to the SpacePC 1232 module through the parallel port or through the serial port using the multifunction cable and the VP cable. Turn on the Host computer
¾Run the VP2000.EXE program on the Host computer
¾Turn on the CPU