Chapter 2 — Modbus Plus Port Functionality
2 Modbus Plus Port Functionality
2.1Modbus Plus Communications
The following discusses the functional capabilities of the 1560- MBP card.
2.1.1 Supported MSTR Programming Commands
Read Data: The following types of data read commands are supported:
MSTR Type 2 Read Data
This command reads data from any place within the Modbus Register map. This command allows a Modbus host to selectively read data from the
MSTR Type 6 Read Global Data
This command gets data from the Global Data being sent from the
Write Data: The following data write commands are supported:
MSTR Type 1 Write Data
This command writes data to any place within the 1560- MBP Modbus Register map. This command can be used to selectively write configuration values to the SCANport device. In addition, if the Global Data Command Enable dip switch is disabled, this command can be used to write to the SCANport Control and Reference words (Modbus addresses 40001 to 40010).