not pass the authentication check.
Error IP TTL Packets
– Number of VRRP packets received by the
virtual router with IP TTL (Time-To-Live) not equal to 255.
Received Priority 0 Packets
– Number of VRRP packets received by
the virtual router with priority set to 0.
Error Packet Length Packets
– Number of packets received with a
packet length less than the length of the VRRP header.
Invalid Type Packets
– Number of VRRP packets received by the
virtual router with an invalid value in the “type” field.
Error Address List Packets
– Number of packets received for which
the address list does not match the locally configured list for the virtual
Invalid Authentication Type Packets
– Number of packets received
with an unknown authentication type.
Mismatch Authentication Type Packets
– Number of packets
received with “Auth Type” not equal to the locally configured
authentication method.
Sent Priority 0 Packets
– Number of VRRP packets sent by the virtual
router with priority set to 0.