

Editing Titles

The TITLE LIST menu allows you to carry out the following editing tasks on titles.

Verifying information about titles and editing titles

You can verify information about titles and edit titles as required.

For details, see “Verifying/Editing Information About the Title” on page 42.

Protecting a title

You can protect titles from accidental erasure or editing.

For details, see “Protecting a Title” on page 43.

Erasing a title

You can erase unnecessary titles.

For details, see “Erasing a Title” on page 44.

Verifying/Editing Information About the Title

The TITLE LIST menu allows you to verify information about the desired title. Also, you can edit the name and title information on the TITLE NAME and TITLE INFO displays.


To edit information about titles, the RM-P110 remote control unit (not supplied) is required.

1 Load the disc to be edited.

2 Press the LIST button.

The TITLE LIST display appears.

The list of titles is displayed.

3 Select the title with information you want to verify by pressing the V or v button, and press the b button.

The following display appears.

When there are plural pages in the title list The following two methods are available to move to another pages.

Using the V or v button

Each time you press the V or v button, the display scrolls up or down by one line at a time. Highlight the last title on the current page by pressing v button. When the last title is highlighted, press the v button.

The new page appears.

Using the .PREV/UP or >NEXT/DOWN buttonTo go back to the previous page: Press the

.PREV/UP button.

To move to the next page: Press the >NEXT/ DOWN button.

4 Select “TITLE NAME” to verify or edit the title name, or select “TITLE INFO” to view or edit the title information by pressing the V or v button.

To verify or edit the title name

42 Editing Titles