ˆAuto Attendant Operation
Auto Attendant sets a station to answer calls and direct messages through the system without an operator. The recorded greetings help callers reach the desired station.
If you assign an Auto Attendant station, when a call comes in, only the Auto Atten- dant station rings. The station answers a call with the greeting, directing the caller to an- other station in the system.
To access a station, the caller must enter the corresponding extension number after press- ing * (*11, *12, and so on).
To access a station's greetings, the caller must enter the greeting number preceded by *0 (*01, *02, and so on).
For example, when Auto Attendant answers a call, the caller hears:
“Hello, you have reached ABC Corporation. To skip the greeting and go directly to voice mail, select # now. To talk to our marketing section, select *12 now. For the sales sec- tion, select *13 now. To reach customer ser- vice, select *14. For the warehouse, select *15 now. For our accounting section, select *16 now. To hear this message again, select *11 now. “
After the caller dials a station’s extension number, this message plays:
“Hello, you have reached the desk of Jane Dee, Financial Consultant. If you would like to leave a message, begin speaking after the tone. To hear today's top ten mutual funds, select *02 now. To hear a listing of today's top stock bargains, select *03 now. To listen to today's interest rate, please select *04. To hear what the NASDAQ, Dow Jones 30 and Standard and Poors Indexes last closed at, select *05 now. To hear this week's stock
news highlights, select *06 now. If you would like this greeting to repeat, select *01 now.”
Note: When Auto Attendant is on, VOICE MAIL automatically lights at the Auto Atten- dant station and cannot be turned off until the Auto Attendant is turned off. If you attempt to turn voice mail on or off, AUTO ATTENDANT appears to remind you that the station is as- signed as Auto Attendant.
When you receive a call while you are on an- other line using the handset or headset, the caller goes to voice mail immediately. If you are talking on the speakerphone or making an intercom call, the caller is put on hold until you hang up or switch to the handset or headset. The caller hears “Hello. Thank you for calling. Your call will be answered short- ly.” (This message cannot be changed.)
When you finish the call or switch to the headset or handset, the caller hears the greeting and the system is ready to record the incoming message. Or, you can answer the call by pressing the flashing line button, thereby terminating the original call or the in- tercom call.
You can assign only one station in the sys- tem as the Auto Attendant. The station must have common lines with all the stations in the system.The Auto Attendant is preset to OFF.
1.Press PROGRAM.
2.Select ANSW. AUTO ATTND appears.
3.Select CHANGE.
4.Select ON/OFF.
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