return with CHR$(20), as done in line 50.
Sometimes you may wish to stay in expanded print for more than one line. Change your program to this:
10 ’ Demo of permanent expanded mode
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"Wl";
30 LPRINT "Permanent expanded"
40 LPRINT "mode stays on until"
50 LPRINT "it is ";
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);"WO";
70 LPRINT "turned off."
Now the results look like this:
modestayson until
When you turn on expanded print with (ESC) “W” 1 it stays on until you turn it off with (ESC) “W” 0.
Expanded print commands
nCondensed print
Each of the print pitches except the
10 ’ Demo of condensed print
20 LPRINT "Demonstration of ";
30 LPRINT CKR$(15);
50 LPRINT CHR$(18);
60 LPRINT ' printing."