Initializing Disk Drives
If an installed disk does not appear in the disk selection list for creating a new ar- ray, or if it appears grayed out, you may have to initialize it before you can use it as part of an array. Drives attached to the controller must be initialized before they can be used in an array.
Caution: Initializing a disk overwrites the partition table on the disk and makes any data on the disk inaccessible. If the drive is used in an array, you may not be able to use the array again.
Do not initialize a disk that is part of a boot array. To determine which disks are associated with a particular array, please refer to Viewing Array Properties.
To initialize drives:
1.Turn on your computer and press Ctrl+A when prompted to access the ARC utility.
2.From the ARC menu, select Array Configuration Utility (ACU).
3.Select Initialize Drives.
4.Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the disk you wish to initialize and press Insert.
5.Repeat Step 4 so that both drives to be initialized are selected.
6.Press Enter.
7.Read the warning message displayed in the screen.
8.Make sure that you have selected the correct disk drives to initialize. If correct, type Y to continue.
Rebuilding Arrays
Notes: Rebuilding applies to Fault Tolerant array (RAID 1) only. If an array Build process (or initialization) is interrupted or critical with one member missing, you must perform a Rebuild to get the array to Optimal status. For a critical array Rebuild operation, the optimal drive is the source drive.
If no spare array exists and a hard disk drive fails, you need to create a spare before you can rebuild an array.
To Rebuild an array:
1.From the Main Menu, select Manage Arrays. From the List of Arrays, select the array you want to Rebuild.
2.Press Ctrl+R to Rebuild.