DMA Mode
Selects the DMA Mode. Options are Auto, SWDMA0, SWDMA1, SWDMA2, MWDMA0. MDWDMA1, MWDMA2, UDMA0. UDMA1, UDMA2, UDMA3, UDMA4 and UDMA5. (SWDMA=Single Word DMA, MWDMA=Multi Word DMA, UDMA=UltraDMA.)
32-Bit Data Transfer
Select "Enabled" to activate the function of
Hard Disk Write Protect
Select Enabled to enable the function of Hard Disk Write Protect to prevent data from being written to HDD. The options are Enabled or Disabled.
IDE Detect Time Out (Sec)
This feature allows the user to set the
ATA(PI) 80Pin Cable Detection
This setting allows AMI BIOS to
SATA0 IDE Interface
This setting is used to Enable or Disable the serial controller for SATA0.
SATA1 IDE Interface
This setting is used to Enable or Disable the serial controller for SATA1.
First Boot Device From
Use this setting to select the fi rst boot device as being