Sybase 15.0.2 manual Recovering from a failed upgrade

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Recovering from a failed upgrade

5Copy the 32-bit$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_<server> file to the equivalent 64-bit$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install directory.

6Edit the RUN_server file to reflect the new location of the interfaces, configuration, and log files.

7Remove all references to the 32-bit $SYBASE directories from your $PATH definition.

8Change to the 64-bit $SYBASE directory and source the ASE150.[csh, sh] script (Bourne shell).

9Change to the 64-bit $SYBASE/install directory and execute:

startserver -f RUN_server

10 After the 64-bit server starts, run installmaster, installmodel, and installmsg.ebf.

11If you used dbccdb for dbcc checkstorage, run installdbccdb. This

re-creates some tables in the dbccdb, and you may lose history data.

12Drop and re-create all your compiled objects, such as stored procedures, triggers, views, and defaults.

13If you have partitioned tables, update partition statistics.

14Run dbcc again on all databases to verify that they run cleanly.

Recovering from a failed upgrade

During the upgrade process, the log may get full due to the catalog changes that are made. If so, log in to the new server using isql, and issue:

isql> dump tran dbname with no_log

This frees the log space, and allow the upgrade process to continue.

In some cases, the pre-upgrade space estimations might be insufficient for the data copy phase of upgrade. In this case, you may get an error that there is insufficient space in the system segment for the upgrade. The upgrade process hangs, waiting for space to be provided. You can log in to the new server using isql, and use alter database to increase the size of the database.


Adaptive Server Enterprise

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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Recovering from a failed upgrade