Sybase 15.0.2 manual A P T E R 7 Troubleshooting

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C H A P T E R 7 Troubleshooting

This chapter provides instructions for troubleshooting installation error messages.

If this chapter does not describe the error message you are encountering, see the Error Messages and Troubleshooting Guide.







Error log locations




Solutions to common installation problems




Upgrading compiled objects with dbcc upgrade_object





For Sybase server products, there are two categories of errors:

Errors generated by the installation, upgrade, and setup utilities

Errors generated by the server (Adaptive Server, Backup Server, and so on)

To determine the cause of an error, first look in the log file of the utility being used, to identify the task the utility was performing when it failed. Then check the server error log. See “Error log locations” on page 103.

Table 7-1 lists possible causes and solutions for common problems that you might encounter during a first-time installation or upgrade. If you continue to have problems, retry the installation or upgrade.

If the installation program or Server Config unexpectedly quits, or if you cannot correct the problem, see the Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide.

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual A P T E R 7 Troubleshooting