Sybase 15.0.2 manual Installing Adaptive Server

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CHAPTER 2 Installing Adaptive Server

Master database size (MB). The minimum master database sizes are:

2K page size – 13MB

4K page size – 26MB

8K page size – 52MB

16K page size – 104MB

System procedure device

System procedure device and database minimum size are 124MB.

System device

System device size (in MB) The minimum sizes are:

2K page size server – 3MB

4K page size server – 6MB

8K page size server – 12MB

16K page size server – 24MB

System database size (in MB) The minimum sizes are:

2K page size server – 3MB

4K page size server – 6MB

8K page size server – 12MB

16K page size server – 24MB

Once you have customized the Adaptive Server configuration, select Next to record the input fields.

19The Custom Configure Backup Server Input window prompts you for the Backup Server information.

Once you have entered the appropriate information, click Next to record the information.

20The Custom Configure Monitor Server Input window prompts you to enter the Monitor Server configuration information.

Once you have entered the appropriate information, click Next to record the information.

21The Custom Configure XP Server Input window prompts you to enter the XP Server configuration information.

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Installing Adaptive Server