Sybase 15.0.2 manual SySAM grace mode

Models: 15.0.2

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SySAM grace mode


What to do

Adaptive Server does

If the edition and license type configuration parameters are not set, Adaptive Server uses

not start with the

the first available ASE_CORE license. If you have multiple ASE_CORE licenses with

expected edition or

different editions and license types, which license is the first available depends on many

license type

factors such as license file directory sort order, available licenses on the license server, and


so on.


Because what edition and license type is granted cannot be guaranteed, Sybase


recommends that you set the edition and license type configuration parameters. When


these parameters are set, you are assured that Adaptive Server starts with that


configuration. If a matching license were to be unavailable, Adaptive server starts under


grace (if available) to allow you to resolve the licensing issue.



Adaptive Server does

When Adaptive Server looks for a license, it does so in the following locations:

not pick the correct

• Any saved values in the registry on Windows platforms, or the .flexlmrc file on UNIX


platforms. Use "lmpath -status"to view the saved values.



• The values set for SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE and LM_LICENSE_FILE environment




• All license files (any file with a .lic extension) in the licenses directory under the


SYSAM-2_0 directory.


All of the above locations are searched in the order specified until a suitable license is


found. When a directory is specified, license files in that directory are loaded in the


directory sort order.


The first license that matches the feature name, version, edition, and license type filter is


used. This license may not be what you were expecting to use. Adjust the above locations


to control this.



SySAM grace mode

If Adaptive Server cannot find a required license, it continues to operate in grace mode, if a grace period is available. Determine the license status of Adaptive Server using the output from sp_lmconfig. The Status column in the output shows graced for any license that is operating in grace.

The Adaptive Server errorlog includes information about licenses awarded under grace. If e-mail notifications are set up for warning severity, e-mail messages are sent for this event. See “Enabling and changing e-mail notifications” on page 99 for more information.

The warnings in the Adaptive Server errorlog and e-mail message are repeated while the license is under grace.


Adaptive Server Enterprise

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Sybase 15.0.2 manual SySAM grace mode