Sybase 15.0.2 manual Installing Sybase PC-Client Products, PC-Client system requirements

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CHAPTER 4 Installing Sybase PC-Client Products

Install PowerDesigner 12.0

Install PowerTransfer 15.0

Install InfoMaker 10.5

View our (Sybase) Web site


Before installing any products, review the readme.txt file, which contains a brief description of each of the products, lists dependencies, and contains any last-minute instructions or changes.

In general, some portion of the PC-Client components are queried by the other products so it is best to install the PC-Client components first.

Table 4-1: PC-Client system requirements

Operating system

Service pack level

Windows 2000 Professional, Server,

Service Pack 4 or higher

Advanced Server, and Data Center Editions




Windows 2003

None; Sybase recommends using the latest service pack from


Microsoft for best security protection



Windows XP Professional

None; Sybase recommends using latest service pack from Microsoft


for best security protection



Windows Server 2003 Edition x64

None; Sybase recommends using latest service pack from Microsoft


for best security protection

vInstalling PC-Client Components on Windows

The PC-Client CD contains PC-Client Components, PowerDesigner, PowerTransfer, and Infomaker. Each product is separately installable. The PC- Client Components are also installed as part of the Adaptive Server installation.

Warning! If PC-Client Components have been installed during the Adaptive Server installation, do not re-install them, and do not install them in a different directory.

Warning! You must install the 64-bit Adaptive Server on Windows 64-bit platforms. If you install the 32-bit version of PC-Client with a 64-bit Adaptive Server you will overwrite the 64-bit binaries with the 32-bit binaries.

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 Installing Sybase PC-Client Products, PC-Client system requirements, Operating system Service pack level