Sybase 15.0.2 manual Reenabling auditing, Spaudit execprocedure, all, spaddlogin, on

Models: 15.0.2

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sp_auditoption "all", "on" than 11.5.

CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server

Reenabling auditing

Reenable all auditing options for stored procedures using the audit options you recorded during pre-upgrade. Reenter the audit options using sp_audit.

For example, if you had enabled stored procedure auditing for

stored procedure in your server before upgrade, run the following sp_audit command to reenable auditing on sp_addlogin:

sp_audit "exec_procedure", "all", "sp_addlogin", "on"

Adaptive Server 12.5.x and later includes the following global audit options for sp_audit:



The functionality provided by the following sp_auditoption options is now covered by the sp_audit security global audit option:

server boot


These options are turned off by default and are not turned on even if you used to turn on all global audit options in a version earlier

To turn on these options, use:

1> sp_audit "security", "all", "all", "on" 2> go

1> sp_audit "dbcc", "all", "all", "on" 2> go

For more information, see the Reference Manual.

Special considerations for threshold procedures for audit segments

If your installation used a threshold procedure to archive the sysaudits table using T-SQL similar to the following example:

INSERT MyPre15SysAuditHistoryTable SELECT * FROM sysaudits_0n

Where n corresponds to the sysaudits table number 1 – 8 and MyPre15SysAuditHistoryTable is a table defined prior to Adaptive Server version 15.0.2, then you must alter MyPre15SysAuditHistoryTable to add a nodeid column using the following command:

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Reenabling auditing, Spaudit execprocedure, all, spaddlogin, on