Sybase 15.0.2 manual Running a reserved word check, Addressing reserved words conflicts

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CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server

As part of the pre-upgrade process, syconfig.exe or sybatch.exe can perform the reserved word check for you. See the Reference Manual for a complete list of reserved words.

Note If you change an object name, change applications and stored procedures that refer to that object.

Running a reserved word check

The sp_checkreswords system procedure detects and displays any identifiers in your existing databases that conflict with reserved words. Server Config installs sp_checkreswords and checks the reserved words during the upgrade. Server Config does not display the names or locations of identifiers that conflict with reserved words, only the number of conflicts.

Note You must use the sp_checkreswords stored procedure from the new installation to verify that the old installation of Adaptive Server does not use any reserved words that have been introduced with the new server.

Server Config always discovers one reserved-word conflict for each database in your Adaptive Server. This is because the sysobjects table in Adaptive Server inserts a reserved word with each of its table entries. You do not need to address these conflicts, because they do not adversely affect the upgrade process.

Addressing reserved words conflicts

If any database names are reserved words, you must use sp_renamedb to change the database names before you can upgrade. Use sp_dboption to set the database to single-user mode, and then run sp_renamedb, specifying the new name. See the Reference Manual for more information on these procedures.

If other identifiers are reserved words, you can use:

sp_rename to change the name of the object, before or after the upgrade.

Quoted identifiers.

Brackets around the identifier. For example:

create table [table] ( [int] int, [another int] int )

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Running a reserved word check, Addressing reserved words conflicts