Sybase 15.0.2 manual Configuring network connections for client products

Models: 15.0.2

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Configuring network connections for client products

Configuring network connections for client products

Adaptive Server communicates with other Adaptive Servers, Open Server applications (such as Backup Server), and client software on your network. Clients can talk to one or more servers, and servers can communicate with other servers by remote procedure calls.

For Sybase products to interact with one another, each product must know where the others reside on the network. This information is stored in the interfaces file on Windows or in a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.

Configuring libtcl.cfg for LDAP

Use the libtcl.cfg files to specify an LDAP server name, port number, DIT base, user name, and password to connect to an LDAP server.

The default libtcl.cfg file is located in %SYBASE%%SYBASE_OCS%\ini.

In its simplest form on 32-bit LDAP drivers, the libtcl.cfg file is in this format:



where ldapurl is defined as:


For a 64-bit LDAP driver, the format is:



You can use either a 32-bit or a 64-bit LDAP driver on Windows x64.

When an LDAP server is specified in the libtcl.cfg file and the libtcl64.cfg file (when applicable to your platform), the server information is accessible only from the LDAP server. Adaptive Server ignores the interfaces file. Open Client and Open Server applications that use the -ioption at start-up override the libtcl.cfg file and use the interfaces file.

To use a directory service, you must:

1Configure the libtcl.cfg file, and the libtcl64.cfg file (when applicable,) to use directory services.

Use any standard ASCII text editor to:


Adaptive Server Enterprise

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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Configuring network connections for client products, Configuring libtcl.cfg for Ldap