Sybase 15.0.2 manual Post-upgrade tasks, Run the instmsgs.ebf script

Models: 15.0.2

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CHAPTER 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server

After Adaptive Server starts, a green light appears next to the server name.

3When prompted, log in as a System Administrator.

Your user ID appears in parentheses next to the server name.

4Connect to each server listed to verify the installation.

Warning! Do not start XP Server from Sybase Central. Adaptive Server starts XP Server automatically when Adaptive Server receives the first request for an extended stored procedure.

5To disconnect from each server, select Tools Disconnect.

6Close Sybase Central.

If Adaptive Server fails the test, see Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting.” Before retrying the installation, follow the instructions in “Removing Adaptive Server” on page 119.

Post-upgrade tasks

After you have upgraded to the new version of Adaptive Server, perform the following tasks to make sure your new Adaptive Server is up and running.

Note After you have upgraded, you do not need to run update statistics on any tables. The upgrade process does not cause any changes in existing statistics.

Run the instmsgs.ebf script

You must run the instmsgs.ebf script after you upgrade from a 15.0 Adaptive Server to a 15.0.2 Adaptive Server. Run the instmsgs.ebf script immediately after runnning the installmaster script.

If you are a localized customer:

First run the instmsgs.ebf script, and then install any localized language using langinstall, sqlloc, or syconfig.

If you run instmsgs.ebf after installing the 15.0.2 localized message, this script may delete some new messages.

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Post-upgrade tasks, Run the instmsgs.ebf script