Sybase 15.0.2 manual Verifying that you can connect to servers, Post-Installation Tasks

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CHAPTER 3 Post-Installation Tasks

The Status column indicates if it is started. If it is not, select the server, then click Start.

Verifying that you can connect to servers

Use isql to perform a quick test. Source ASE150.[csh, sh]. Then, use isql to connect to servers:

1 At the command prompt, enter:

isql -Usa -P<password or leave it blank>


where server_name is the Adaptive Server name.

Warning! The first time you log in to Adaptive Server, use the default “sa” user name and leave the password blank. After you log in for the first time, change the System Administrator’s password. See “Setting the System Administrator password” on page 42.

The command prompt is displayed if the login is successful.

2 To display the Adaptive Server version number, enter:

1> select @@version 2> go

The Adaptive Server version number is displayed. The output should show

Adaptive Server at version 15.0.2.

If you encounter errors, see the Troubleshooting Guide.

Alternatively, start dsedit.

1From the Windows task-bar, select Start Programs Sybase Connectivity Open Client Directory Service Editor.

2Open the Directory Services window by clicking OK.

3Highlight servername (the name of the server you want to test).

4From the Server Option drop-down menu, select Ping.

5A successful connection returns the message that the connection succeeded.

Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Verifying that you can connect to servers, Post-Installation Tasks