Sybase 15.0.2 manual Product descriptions and directory layout, Product Description

Models: 15.0.2

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Product descriptions and directory layout

Note For more information about Adaptive Server specifications see Chapter 1, “Introduction” in the Configuration Guide for your platform.

Product descriptions and directory layout

The Adaptive Server installation installs a wide array of software products into the SYBASE directory. Table 1-3 provides a brief description of the server products installed, and the top-level directory structure.


Note Starting with ASE 15.0.2, the Enhanced Full-Text Search (EFTS)


optional product will be not be shipped with ASE. It is now shipped separately


as a stand alone product. Please contact customer service for more information.




Table 1-3: Product description







Adaptive Server and

Installed into the ASE-15_0directory.

Historical Server

• Adaptive Server – the database server.



• Backup Server – an Open Server-based application that manages all database


backup (dump) and restore (load) operations.


• Monitor Server – an Open Server-based application that obtains performance


information on Adaptive Server and makes that information available to Monitor


Server client applications.


• XP Server– an Open Server application that manages and executes extended


stored procedures (ESPs) from within Adaptive Server.


• Job Scheduler – provides a job scheduler for Adaptive Server. Job Scheduler


components are located in their own directory at ASE-15_0/jobscheduler/.




Adaptive Server Enterprise

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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Product descriptions and directory layout, Product Description