Sybase 15.0.2 manual Troubleshooting SySAM Issues, Description What to do

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CHAPTER 6 Troubleshooting SySAM Issues

If you are using a served license model, the license server’s debug log located in the log directory provides information about any license check-out issues.

Troubleshooting SySAM




Table 6-1 lists methods for troubleshooting SySAM.





Table 6-1: Troubleshooting SySAM




What to do









Cannot find license



The Adaptive Server installation program displays only the most commonly used license


type during the



types. If you are using a legacy license or a new license type, your license may not be listed


Adaptive Server



by the installation program.





If you do not find the license type you need, select “Unknown” or “Other” from the









drop-down list and complete the installation. After the installation is complete, use





sp_lmconfig to change the license type. See the Reference Manual:Procedures for





sp_lmconfig usage information.










Note If you set the license type value to “Unknown” or “Other,” Adaptive Server uses the





first available license. If you have licenses for more than one type, Adaptive Server may





pick the incorrect license. Set the correct license type when you have multiple license





types on the license server.












Installation Guide


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Sybase 15.0.2 manual Troubleshooting SySAM Issues, Description What to do