Navigating Between Pages
The initial view of a screen that consists of a number of pages to display will look something like this view.
In this example there are more than 10 pages of screens and 51 conferences found for the current category and search.
Navigate the screens by clicking on the page numbers or the forward arrow to advance one page at a time.
After Page 1 the Previous Page Arrow will also be clickable.
When the last page is reached the Next Page Arrow will no longer be available.
When there are more than 10 pages of information, the Next 10 pages link will appear after the next arrow.
Click on the Next 10 and Prev 10 links to move between the pages in groups of 10.
The numbers indicate each screen (page) of conferences displayed in order of how the conferences have been sorted using the column headings.
Navigation Options
Total number of conferences in this list.
Click on the Next Page Arrow to go to the next page.
Click on the Page number to go directly to that page.
Current page is shown with strong typeface.
Table of |
| Disclaimers, |
| Safety, |
| Introduction |
| Installation |
| Quick Setup |
| Operation |
| Backup and |
| Administrator |
| Conference | View | Appendices |
Contents |
| Patents etc. |
| Environmental |
| Restoring |
| Settings |
| Setup | Conferences | |||||
| |||||||
D13898.05 |
| 102 |
| ||||