Ham and egg buckwheat pancakes
For 12 pancakes: • buckwheat pancakebatter • 12 slices ham
• 150 g grated gruyere cheese • 12 eggs • salt • pepper
Preparation : 10 minutes • Standing time: 1 hour • Cooking time: 3 minutes per pancake
Prepare the buckwheat pancake batter (see basic recipe) and leave to stand for 1 hour. Pour a little batter onto the pan and spread evenly. Cook for 1minute.
Turn the pancake over, sprinkle with cheese, add a slice of ham, break an egg in the centre and cook for a further 2 minutes.
Season. Fold the pancake and serve.
Smoked salmon and creme buckwheat pancakes
For 12 pancakes: • buckwheat pancake batter • 500 g sliced smoked salmon • 250 ml crème fraiche • 2 lemons • 100 g lumpfish roe (optional)
Preparation : 10 minutes • Standing time: 1 hour • Cooking time: 3 minutes per pancake
Prepare the buckwheat pancake batter (see basic recipe) and leave to stand for 1 hour.
Pour a little batter onto the pan and spread evenly. Cook for 1minute.
Turn the pancake over, place a slice of smoked salmon, a little crème fraiche and a thin slice of lemon in the centre and cook for a further 2 minutes. Fold the sides of the pancake towards the centre leaving it open and place a teaspoon of lumpfish roe to garnish.
Serve immediately.
Concarneau-style buckwheat pancakes
For 12 pancakes: • buckwheat pancake batter • 500 g tinned tuna
•1 kg frozen spinach • 300 g shallots • 50 g corn flour • 250 ml milk • 250 g grated gruyere cheese • 1 lemon • 50 g butter • salt
Preparation : 20 minutes • Standing time: 1 hour • Cooking time: 3 minutes per pancake
Prepare the buckwheat pancake batter (see basic recipe) and leave to stand for 1 hour.
Finely chop the shallots. Drain and break up the tuna with a fork.
Melt the butter in a frying pan and gently fry the shallots, then add the frozen spinach.
Blend the corn flour with the milk and make a sauce by gently heating, stirring constantly, until smooth.
Add to the spinach and shallots. Gradually add the tuna, the grated cheese and a squeeze of lemon juice. Season and stir.
Pour a little batter onto the pan and spread evenly. Cook for 1minute.
Turn the pancake over and garnish with the prepared tuna and spinach and cook for a further 2 minutes. Fold the pancake and serve.