Command Descriptions
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–89
 
selects the second paired cursor as the active cursor.
returns  when the first paired cursor is the active cursor.
Sets or queries the units for the paired cursors. This is equivalent to setting
Amplitude in the Cursor menu.
     
  
 specifies base as the unit of measure.
 specifies IRE as the unit of measure. These units are typically used with
video signals.
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sets the units for the paired cursors to base.
returns  when the paired cursor units are IRE.
CURSor:PAIred:VDELTA (Query Only)
Queries the vbar (time) distance between paired cursors. It returns the absolute
value of the first cursor less the second cursor horizontal positions.
The position can appear in units of seconds, 1/seconds (hertz), or video line
numbers (with option 05). On the TDS 400A, position can also appear in units of
clocks or 1/clocks.