Command Descriptions
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–195
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 or  = 0 removes the masks from the display.
 or  0 displays the masks on the display. This is the default value.
 
sets the display to show the defined masks.
might return indicating that the display shows masks.
TDS 500C & 700C Only
Controls whether or not a digital filter will be run on the waveform data. The
filter simulates expensive optical hardware. Different hardware would be used
for each of the optical standards. The digital filter will run only if ENABLE is
the mode and one of the optical eye-pattern standard masks has been selected,
and several other restrictions. These other restrictions are:
HOne of the seven optical standards has been selected in the Measure/Masks/
MaskType/Standard Mask menu. In other words, any of the three SONET
SDH or any of the four fibre channel standards from the Fibre Chan menu
are selected.
HThe SONET/SDH MASK menu contains a provision for enabling or
disabling the filter. This selection must be ENABLE
HThe time per division setting is the correct value for the mask which has
been selected
HThe record length is equal to 500
HOnly one channel is on. Mask autoset may force channels off in order to
allow the mask to be turned on
HThe oscilloscope bandwidth must be set to full