Command Descriptions
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–353
NOTE. When returning WFMPRE:<wfm> information from the oscilloscope,
<wfm> specifies the waveform source (CH<x>, MATH<x>, or REF<x>). The
source must also be set using the DAta:SOUrce command. When sending
WFMPRE:<wfm> information to the scope, the <wfm> specification is ignored
and the reference location specified by DATa:DESTination is used instead.
WFMPre:<wfm>? (Query Only)
Returns the waveform formatting data for first ordered waveform as specified by
the DATa:SOUrce command. Channel and math waveforms must be displayed
before they can be queried. Querying an invalid reference waveform generates an
execution error.
In extended-acquisition-length mode, it will return the acquisition record
information as opposed to the waveform record information.
WFMPre : <wfm> ?
The format of the response is:
<wfm>:WFID <Qstring>;NR_PT <NR1>;PT_FMT { ENV|Y};
XUNit <QString>;XINcr <NR3>;PT_Off <NR1>;YUNit <QString>;YMUlt
<NR3>;YOFf <NR3>;YZEro <NR3>
[;<wfm>:WFID <Qstring>;NR_PT <NR1>;
PT_FMT { ENV | Y };XUNit <QString>;XINcr <NR3>;XZEro <NR3>;
PT_Off <NR1>;YUNit <QString>;YMUlt <NR3>;YOFf <NR3>;
YZEro <NR3>...]
might return
:WFMPRE:CH1:WFID "Ch1, DC coupling, 100.0mVolts/div, 500.0us/div,
500 points, Sample mode";NR_PT 1;PT_FMT Y;XUNIT "s";XINCR
10.00E-6;XZERO 8.15E-6;PT_OFF -249;YUNIT "Volts";YMULT
4.000E-3;YOFF 0.0E+0;YZERO 0.0E+0C