The terms in this glossary cover topics related to this manual. Alternate naming is included for reference.
AC: alternating current
AGP: accelerated graphics port
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
APM: advanced power manager
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BIOS: basic input output system
CD-RW: Compact Disc-Read/Write
CMOS: complementary
CPU: central processing unit
CRT: cathode ray tube
DC: direct current
DDC: display data channel
DMA: direct memory access
DOS: disk operating system
DVD: digital versatile disc
ECP: extended capabilities port
FDD: floppy disk drive
FIR: fast infrared
HDD: hard disk drive
IDE: integrated drive electronics
I/O: input/output
IrDA: Infrared Data Association
IRQ: interrupt request
KB: kilobyte
LCD: liquid crystal display
LED: light emitting diode
LSI: large scale integration
OCR: optical character recognition (reader)
PCB: printed circuit board
PCI: peripheral component intercon- nect
RAM: random access memory
RGB: red, green, and blue
ROM: read only memory
RTC: real time clock
SCSI: small computer system interface
SIO: serial input/output
SXGA+: super extended graphics array plus