Central Processing Unit ("CPU") Performance Disclaimer
CPU Performance in your computer product may vary from specifications under the following conditions:
1.use of certain external peripheral products
2.use of battery power instead of AC power
3.use of certain multimedia games or videos with special effects
4.use of standard telephone lines or low speed network connections
5.use of complex modeling software, such as high end computer aided design applications
6.use of computer in areas with low air pressure (high altitude >1,000 meters or >3,280 feet above sea level)
7.use of computer at temperatures outside the range of 5 C to 35 C (41 F to 95 F) or >25 C (77 F) at high altitude (all temperature references are approximate).
CPU performance may also vary from specifications due to design configuration.
Under some conditions, your computer product may automatically
PC Card overheating
Some PC cards can become hot with prolonged use. Overheating of a PC Card can result in errors or instability in the PC Card operation. Also be careful when you remove a PC Card that has been used for a long time.
LCD Display
TFT color LCD is manufactured by using very high brightness technology.
Some sequential pixels may not light or may light always, but this is not a