The Grand Tour
Status Light
The status light indicates the state of the Stratagy IVP8:
Status LED
At boot-up:
Off | No power |
Blinking Amber |
| |
Red | Failed | |
| Port LED Green | Test Failed |
| 1 | DRAM |
| 2 | RTC |
| 3 | EEPROM |
| 4 | EPROM Checksum |
| 5 | Flash Drive |
| 6 | Integration Processor |
| 7 | DSP #1 |
| |
| While system is operational: | |
Green | System is operational. |
Green with Blinking Amber | System is operational and hard drive is active. | |
Voice Port Status Lights
Each port has a status light labelled 1~8 on the front of the Stratagy IVP8 unit that indicates the hookswitch and ring states of the port. The lights are On/Off based on the following:
Port LEDs
Port is
Port is
The Stratagy IVP8 requires Stratagy Admin software, installed on a separate
The Stratagy Admin screens for Stratagy IVP8 are identical to the standard Stratagy screens with the exception of the Main Menu and the Users Menu Options screen.
See Chapter 6 – Users Menu, Chapter 7 – Auto (Scheduling) Menu and Chapter 8 – Notify Menu in the Stratagy R3 I&M Manual for complete details on using the screens.
Stratagy IVP8 Installation Guide 01/02 | 3 |