4532 | Operation and Description of Instrument Function |
VH29 Upper Limit
Item type: read and write
Default value: 245°C
Hi limit temperature alarm setpoint.
8.1.4Element Position 1: VH30 ~ VH35 (VH36~VH39 is used only in 4539 ATC)
VH30 ~VH39 Position 1 ~ 6 (7~10 is used only in 4539 ATC) Item type: read and write
Range: 0mm ~ 99999mm
Individual element position from tank bottom. Calculation is automatically performed when element spacing "Even" is selected at VH85.
8.1.5Element Position 2: VH40 ~ VH45 are not available in 4532 ATC
VH46 Hysteresis Width Item type: read and write Default: 10mm
Range: 0mm ~ 99999mm
Element switching point hysteresis. The hysterisis is an offset value added to the liquid level when the level is increasing, and subtracted from the liquid level when the level is decreasing. This setting ensures that the temperature value from an uncovered temperature element is not used in calculating the average temperature.
VH47 Clear Memory Item type: select Default: None (0) Selection: None, Clear
Reset matrix parameter to default setting.
Varec, Inc. | 35 |