8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description
4.15.2 Application

The SCALER point allows the user to perform simple math functions such as conversion

of units. The SCALER point takes the value from user specified database references,

multiplies each by a constant and adds the three product terms. A constant K may also

be factored in. The SCALER point works in conjunction with parameters that are in

floating point format.

RefValue1 - 3 are the values of the PntRef1 - 3 parameter references.
The references can be to any point that produces a floating point value.
Value1 Value parameter converted to Integer format
PntStatus Byte value indicating status of point Values are:
0: No error
15: Invalid Type for PntRef
16 Invalid Number for PntRef
17 Invalid Param for PntRef
19: PntRef point does not exist
25: PntRef is not defined
Elapse Time the SCALER point last executed.
PntCheckSum CRC-16 Checksum for point's static Configuration Parameters
Dynamic Parame-