8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description
4.7 Communications (COM)

The Communications point reports the status and controls the operation of

the communications interfaces. COM points are automatically created by the

system at initialization.

4.7.1 Parameters

The database parameters used by the COM point are listed and described below:

Protocol Protocol handler assigned to the ComPort. Valid values are:
RTU Slave
TSU Slave
The defaults are:
COM 0: RTU Slave - 9600 Baud
COM 1: Modbus Slave- 9600 Baud
Mode The Mode parameter is used in conjunction with the Protocol. Different
protocols will use the Mode in different ways, depending on the needs
of the protocol.
ComPort Communications Port number. Valid values are 0-3. The ComPort
parameter should never be modified by the user.
BaudRate Baud Rate for communications to either the Host or Slave system. Valid
values are: 1200, 2400, 2400, 9600, 19200. Changing the BaudRate
parameter will immediately change the configuration of the ComPort.
the default is 9600.
ComParams Defines the number of data bits and the parity used by the com port.
Examples include:
8O - 8 Data Bits Odd Parity
8E - 8 Data Bits, Even Parity
8N - 8 Data Bits, No Parity
7O - 7 Data Bits, Odd Parity
7E - 7 Data Bits, Even Parity
7N - 7 Data Bits, No Parity
The default is ā€˜8Nā€™.
TimeOut Time in seconds that indicates a time-out of communications. If no
Host or Slave communications is received for the length of time
specified by the TimeOut, the CommStatus parameter will indicate Off
Line and communications failure processing will take place.
ErrCheck Error checking used by the protocol. Valid values are:
LRC - Longitudinal Redundancy Check
CRC - Cyclical Redundancy Check