Answering system settings
Number of rings
When the answering system is turned on, it answers all incoming home calls after the number of rings set. You can choose from two, four, or six rings; or toll saver. With toll saver selected, the answering system answers after two rings when you have new messages, and after four rings when you have no new messages. This enables you to check for new messages and avoid paying unnecessary long distance charges if you are calling from out of your local area.
To change the setting:
Using the telephone base:
1.Press the MENU softkey when the telephone base is not in use.
2.Press /VOL+ or
3.Press /VOL+ or
4.Press /VOL+ or
5.Press /VOL+ or
Ans. system
Call log
Del all old
Record memo
Ans sys setup
Announcement Call screening
#of rings Select
2 4
Using the handset:
1.Press the MENU softkey when the handset is not in use.
2.Press /VOL+/ or
3.Press /VOL+/ or
4.Press /VOL+/ or
5.Press /VOL+/ or