VXI Technology, Inc.
30 VM4016 Programming
The input polarity command selects the input polarity for one or more channels. When a channel
is programmed for normal polarity, an interrupt will be generated when the input voltage is
greater than the programmed input offset for the channel. The invert polarity will cause an
interrupt when the input voltage is less than the programmed input offset for the channel.
INPut:POLarity <polarity>,<channel_list> Where <polarity> is either NORMal or
Where <channel_list> is the standard
channel list format supporting channels 1
through 16.
INPut:POLarity NORM,(@3:5) Sets the input polarity for Channels 3
through 5 to NORMal. This will generate
an interrupt when the input signal on
Channels 3, 4 or 5 is greater than the input
INPut:POLarity? 5 Returns the input polarity for Channel 5 as
INP:POL INV,(@6) Sets input polarity for Channel 6 to invert.