VM4016 Command Dictionary 75
Purpose Sets the input range for one or more channels
Type Setting
Command Syntax INPut:RANGe <range>,<channel_list>
Command Parameters <range> = 10 | 100
<channel_list> = standard channel list syntax supporting channels 1 to 16
*RST Value 100 for all channels
Query Syntax INPut:RANGe? <channel>
Query Parameters <channel> = 1 to 16
Query Response Numeric ASCII value = 10 | 100
Description The Input Range command selects the input range of one or more channels. The input
range may be set for ±10 volts or ±100 volts.
Note: The input offset is normalized to the ±10 volt range. The actual input offset in
the 100 volt range is ten times the set value.
Examples Command / Query Response (Description)
INP:RANG 100,(@1,3,5,7) (Sets the input range for Channels 1, 3, 5, and 7 to 100
INP:RANG? 7 100 (Returns the set input range for Channel 7)
Related Commands INPut:OFFset <voltage_level>, <channel_list>