Creating and Running Algorithms 183Chapter 6
Arithmetic Operators: add +, subtract -, multiply *, divide /
Note: See “Calling User Defined Functions” on page193.
Assignment Operator: =
Comparison Functions: less than <, less than or equal <=, greater than
>, greater than or equal >=, equal to ==, not equal to !=
Boolean Functions: and && or ||, not !
Variables: scalars of type static float and single dimensioned arrays of
type static float limited to 1024 elements.
32-bit decimal integer; Dddd... where D and d are decimal digits but D is
not zero. No decimal point or exponent specified.
32-bit octal integer; 0oo... where 0 is a leading zero and o is an octal digit.
No decimal point or exponent specified.
32-bit hexadecimal integer; 0Xhhh... or 0xhhh... where h is a hex digit.
32-bit floating point; ddd., ddd.ddd, ddde±dd, dddE±dd, ddd.dddedd
or ddd.dddEdd where d is a decimal digit.
Flow Control: conditional construct if(){ } else { }
Intrinsic Functions:
Return minimum; min(<expr1>,<expr2>)
Return maximum; max(<expr1>,<expr2>)
User defined function; <user_name>(<expr>)
Write value to CVT element; writecvt(<expr>,<expr>)
Write value to FIFO buffer; writefifo(<expr>)
Write value to both CVT and FIFO; writeboth(<expr>,<expr>)
Example LanguageUsage
Here are examples of some Algorithm Language elements assembled to
show them used in context. Later sections will explain any unfamiliar
elements seen here:
Example 1;
/*** get input from channel 8, calculate output, check limits, output to ch 16 & 17 ***/
static float output_max = .020; /* 20 mA max output */
static float output_min = .004; /* 4 mA min output */
static float input_val, output_val; /* intermediate I/O vars */
static float remote_input_val; /* I/O var for remote channel*/
input_ val = I108; /* get value from input buffer channel 8*/
remote_input_ val = I14001; /* get value from input buffer channel 4001*/
output_val = 12.5 * input_val; /* calculate desired output */
if ( output_val > output_max ) /* check output greater than limit */
output_val = output_max; /* if so, output max limit */
else if( output_val < output_min) /* check output less than limit */
output_val = output_min; /* if so, output min limit */
O116 = output_val / 2; /* split output_val between two SCP */
O117 = output_val / 2; /* channels to get up to 20 mA max */
writecvt(remote_input_val,501); /* remote chan val to CVT element 501 */