VT1422A Command Reference 245Chapter 7


ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCALar? ’<alg_name>’,’<var_name>’ returns the value of
the scalar variable <var_name> in algorithm <alg_name>.

Comments An error is generated if <alg_name> or <var_name> is not defined.

Returned Value: numeric value. The type is float32.
Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_algExpScal_Q(...)


ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCAN:RATio ’<alg_name>’,<num_trigs> specifies the
number of scan triggers that must occur for each execution of algorithm <alg_name>.
This allows the specified algorithm to be executed less often than other algorithms.
This can be useful for algorithm tuning.
Notes 1. The command ALG:SCAN:RATio <alg_name>,<num_trigs> does not take
effect until an ALG:UPDATE or ALG:UPD:CHAN command is received.
This allows multiple ALG:SCAN:RATIO commands to be sent with their
effect synchronized with an ALG:UPDATE command.
2. ALG:SCAN:RATio places a variable update request in the Update Queue.
More update requests cannot be placed in the Update Queue than are allowed
by the current setting of ALG:UPD:WINDOW or a "Too many updates ––
send ALG:UPDATE command" error message will be generated.
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
alg_name string ALG1 - ALG32 none
var_name string valid 'C' variable name none
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
alg_name string ALG1 - ALG32 none
num_trigs numeric (int16) 1 to 32,767 none