VT1422A Command Reference 381Chapter 7

Weighted Bit


Register queries are returned using decimal weighted bit values. Enable registers can
be set using decimal, hex, octal, or binary. The following table can be used to help
set Enable registers using decimal and decode register queries.
Status System Decimal Weighted Bit Values
The Operation Status Group
The Operation Status Group indicates the current operating state of the VT1422A.
The bit assignments are:


STATus:OPERation:CONDition? returns the decimal weighted value of the bits set
in the Condition register.

Comments The Condition register reflects the real-time state of the status signals.

The signals are not latched; therefore, past events are not retained in this register
bit# 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
value always 0 16,384 8,192 4,096 2,048 1,024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Bit # dec value hex value Bit Name Description
0 1 000116 Calibrating Set by CAL:TARE and CAL:SETup. Cleared by
CAL:TARE? and CAL:SETup?. Set while *CAL?
executes and reset when *CAL? completes. Set by
1-3 Not used
4 16 001016 Measuring Set when instrument INITiated. Cleared when
instrument returns to Trigger Idle State.
5-7 Not used
8 256 010016 Scan Complete Set when each pass through a Scan List completed
(may not indicate all measurements have been taken
when TRIG:COUNT >1).
9 512 020016 SCP Trigger An SCP has sourced a trigger event (future
VT1422A SCPs)
10 1024 040016 FIFO Half Full The FIFO contains at least 32,768 read ings
11 2048 080016 Algorithm Interrupted The interrupt() function was called in an algorithm
12-15 Not used