286 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7


DIAGnostic:REMote:USER:DATA <user_data_block>,(@<channel> )stores
894, 16-bit words of arbitrary user data to non-volatile flash memory. A custom
format can be designed for information storage. For example, the data could define
a 32 by 28 word array to store information about each channel.
Note A Remote Signal Conditioning Unit’s Flash Memory has a finite lifetime of
approximately 10,000 write cycles (unlimited read cycles). While executing
DIAG:REM:USER:DATA once every day would not exceed the lifetime of the Flash
Memory for approximately 27 years, an application that stored constants many times
each day would unnecessarily shorten the Flash Memory's lifetime.

Comments The <channel> parameter must specify a single channel only. The channel must

be on an RSCU that supports the DIAG:REM:USER:DATA commands.
DIAG:REM:USER:DATA sends to the RSCU a definite length block of 894
int16 values (1,792 bytes). The block must always be 894 words in length.
*RST Condition: Stored values not changed by *RST
Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_sendBlockInt16(...)


DIAGnostic:REMote:USER:DATA? (@<channel>) extracts 894, 16-bit words of
arbitrary user data from non-volatile flash memory (stored with the DIAG:REM
:USER:DATA command).

Comments The <channel> parameter must specify a single channel only. The channel must

be on an RSCU that supports the DIAG:REM:USER:DATA commands.
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
user_data_block definite length block
data (int16 array) each element -32768 - 32767 none
channel channel list (string) 10000 - 15731 none
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
channel channel list (string) 10000 - 15731 none