454 Error Messages Chapter B
3000 'Illegal while initiated.' Operation must be performed
before INIT or INIT:CONT ON.
3004 'Illegal command. CAL:CONF not sent.' Incorrect
sequence of calibration commands.
Send CAL:CONF:VOLT command before
command before CAL:VAL:RES.
3005 'Illegal command. Send CAL:VAL:RES.' The only
command accepted after a CAL:CONF:RES is a
CAL:VAL:RES command.
3006 'Illegal command. Send CAL:VAL:VOLT.' The only
command accepted after a CAL:CONF:VOLT is a
CAL:VAL:VOLT command.
3007 'Invalid signal conditioning module.' The command
sent to an SCP was illegal for its type.
3008 'Too few channels in scan list.' A Scan List must
contain at least two channels.
3012 'Trigger too fast.' Scan list not completed before
another trigger event occurs.
3015 'Channel modifier not permitted here.'
3019 'TRIG:TIM interval too small for SAMP:TIM interval
and scan list size.' TRIG:TIM interval must allow
for completion of entire scan list at currently set
SAMP:TIM interval. See TRIG:TIM in Chapter 7,
the Command Reference
3020 'Input overvoltage.' Calibration relays opened (if
JM2202 not cut) to protect module inputs and
Questionable Data Status bit 11 set. Execute *RST to
close relays and/or reset status bit.
3021 'FIFO overflow.' Indicates that the FIFO buffer has
filled and that one or more readings have been lost.
Usually caused by algorithm values stored in FIFO
faster than FIFO was read.
3026 '*CAL?/CAL:SET Calibration failed.'
3027 'Unable to map A24 VXI memory.'
3028 'Incorrect range value.' Range value sent is not
supported by instrument.
3030 'Command not yet implemented!!'
3032 '0x1: DSP-Unrecognized command code.'