Programming the VT1422A & VT1529A/B for Remote Strain Measurement 91Chapter 3Figure 3-20. Performing Shunt Calibration
Set up the analog input Scan List to
measure un-shunted channels
Measure unstrained bridge output
voltages and send to EU routines
Send gage factors to
channel EU routines SENSe:STRain:GFACtor
ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine (@ )<ch_list>
Measure bridge excitation
voltages and get from FIFO MEASure:VOLTage:EXCitation?/SENSe:DATA:FIFO?
Measure unstrained bridge output
voltages and get from FIFO MEASure:VOLTage:UNSTrained?/SENSe:DATA:FIFO?
To convert readings to
Engineering Units of strain SENSe:FUNCtion:STRain:<bridge_type>. Also sets
bridge config switches and turns on excitation V
Set up Trigger System to scan
strain bridge channel TRIG:SOURce IMM
Initiate Trigger System INITiate[:IMMediate]
Retrieve un-shunted strain
readings from FIFO SENSe:DATA:FIFO?
Select INTernal or EXTernal
shunt resistor OUTPut:SHUNt:SOURce
Set up the analog input Scan List to
measure single shunted channel ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine (@ )<shunt_channel>
Turn on shunt resistor
to slected channel OUTPut:SHUNt:STATe ON (@ )<shunt_channel>
Initiate Trigger System
(measure shunted strain channel) INITiate[:IMMediate]
Retrieve shunted strain
reading from FIFO SENSe:DATA:FIFO?