VT1422A Command Reference 347Chapter 7
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBENding [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBPoisson [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FPOisson [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HBENding [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HPOisson [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain[:QUARter] [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q120 [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q350 [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:USER [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
A Note on Syntax: Although the strain function is comprised of nine separate SCPI
commands, their syntax and function is so similar they are discussed in a single
reference entry.
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:<bridge_type> [<range>,](@<ch_list>) links the
strain EU conversion with the channels specified by ch_list to measure the strain
bridge output. See “Linking Input Channels to EU Conversion” on page 109.
Note When the SENS:FUNC:STR:<bridge_type> command is used with VT1529A/B
channels, the bridge configuration switches for those channels are set to actually
configure the bridge type specified. There is no need to send the configuration only
SENSe:STRain:BRIDge:TYPE command for VT1529A/B channels that use the
SENSe:FUNCtion:STRain:<bridge_type> command.
Some of the SENS:STR:FUNC:<bridge_type> commands are used for both strain
bridge completion SCPs and the VT1529A/B while some are exclusive to one or
the other.
The following table relates the command syntax to bridge type. See the Strain SCP
user's manual for bridge schematics and field wiring information.