372 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
The SOURce command subsystem allows configuring output SCPs as well as linking
channels to output functions.
Subsystem Syntax SOURce
:FM:STATe 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
:STATe? (@<channel>)
:CONDition (@<ch_list>)
:PULSe (@<ch_list>)
:SQUare (@<ch_list>)
:STATe 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
:STATe? (@<channel>)
:PERiod <period>,(@<ch_list>)
:PERiod? (@<channel>)
:WIDTh <pulse_width>,(@<ch_list>)
:WIDTh? (@<channel>)
[:AMPLitude] <-offset_v>,(@<ch_list>)


SOURce:FM[:STATe] <enable>,(@<ch_list>) enables the Frequency Modulated
mode for a PULSe channel.
Comments This command is coupled with the SOURce:PULM:STATE command. If the
FM state is ON then the PULM state is OFF. If the PULM state is ON then the
FM state is OFF. If both the FM and the PULM states are OFF then the PULSe
channel is in the single pulse mode.
If the channels specified are not on a Frequency/Totalize SCP, an error will
be generated.
Use SOURce:FUNCtion[:SHAPe]:SQUare to set FM pulse train to 50% duty
cycle. Use SOURce:PULSe:PERiod to set the period.
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
enable boolean (uint16) 1 | 0 | ON | OFF none
ch_list string 100 - 163 none