VT1422A Command Reference 377Chapter 7
The variable frequency control for this channel is provided by the algorithm
language. When the algorithm executes an assignment statement to this channel,
the value assigned will be the frequency setting. For example:
O143 = 2000 /* set channel 43 to 2 kHz */
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
Usage SOUR:PULS:WIDTH 2.50E-3,(@143) set fixed pulse width of 2.5 ms on
channel 43


SOURce:PULSe:WIDTh? (@<ch_list>) returns the fixed pulse width value on a
frequency modulated pulse channel.
Comments The <channel> parameter must specify a single channel.
If the channels specified are not on a Frequency/Totalize SCP, an error will
be generated.
Returned Value: returns the numeric pulse width. The type is float32.
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmdReal64_Q(...)


SOURce:VOLTage[:AMPLitude] <-offset_v>,(@<ch_list>) can be used to
reduce bridge offset voltage present at the dynamic strain "Buffered Output"
channel connectors.

Comments If the channels specified are not on a VT1529A/B, an error will be generated.

*RST Condition: SOUR:VOLT 0,(@ <all VT1529A/B channels>)
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
channel string 100 - 163 none
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
-offset_v numeric (float32) -1.651 to +1.664 | MIN | MAX
(resolution 13 mV) volts
ch_list string 10000 - 15731 none