VT1422A Command Reference 239Chapter 7


ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:ARRay? ’<alg_name>’,’<array_name>’ returns the
contents of <array_name> from algorithm <alg_name>. ALG:ARR? can return
contents of global arrays when <alg_name> specifies 'GLOBALS'.

Comments An error is generated if <alg_name> or <array_name> is not defined.

When this command is sent to an Agilent/HP E1406A command module, the
Definite Length Arbitrary Block response data will always use "Big Endian"
(Motorola) byte ordering for the packed 64-bit float values.
Returned Value: Definite length block data of IEEE-754 64-bit float
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmdReal64Arr_Q(...)


ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:DEFine ’<alg_name>’,[<swap_size>,] ’<source_code>’
is used to define control algorithms and global variables.

Comments Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_downloadAlg(...). This function loads

an algorithm from a file. The VXIplug&play Soft Front Panel program allows
algorithms to be created and tested on-line, then to be stored as files.
The <alg_name> must be one of ALG1, ALG2, ALG3 etc. through ALG32 or
GLOBALS. The parameter is not case sensitive. 'ALG1' and 'alg1' are
equivalent as are 'GLOBALS' and 'globals'.
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
alg_name string ALG1 - ALG32 | GLOBALS none
array_name string valid 'C' variable name none
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
alg_name string ALG1 - ALG32 | GLOBALS none
swap_size numeric (uint16) 0 - Max Available Algorithm Memory words
source_code string or block data
see Comments PIDA... | PIDB. .. | algorithm source none