246 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Comments Specifying a value of 1 (the default) causes the named algorithm to be executed each
time a trigger is received. Specifying a value of n will cause the algorithm to be
executed once every n triggers. All enabled algorithms execute on the first trigger
after INIT.
The algorithm specified by <alg_name> may or may not be currently defined.
The specified setting will be used when the algorithm is defined.
When Accepted: Both before and after INIT. Also accepted before and after
the algorithm referenced is defined.
*RST Condition: ALG:SCAN:RATIO = 1 for all algorithms
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
Usage ALG:SCAN:RATIO 'ALG4',16 ALG4 executes once every 16 triggers.


ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCAN:RATio? ’<alg_name>’ returns the number of
triggers that must occur for each execution of <alg_name>.

Comments Since ALG:SCAN:RATIO is valid for an undefined algorithm,

ALG:SCAN:RATIO? will return the current ratio setting for <alg_name> even
if it is not currently defined.
Returned Value: numeric, 1 to 32,768. The type is int16.
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmdInt16_Q(...)


ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SIZE? ’<alg_name>’ returns the number of words of
memory allocated for algorithm <alg_name>.

Comments Since the returned value is the memory allocated to the algorithm, it will only

equal the actual size of the algorithm if it was defined by ALG:DEF without its
[<swap_size>] parameter. If enabled for swapping (if <swap_size> included at
original definition), the returned value will be equal to (<swap_size>)*2.
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
alg_name string ALG1 - ALG32 none